Thursday, January 05, 2006

well, what do they get now?

So Iraqi troops used to get $80 a month.
Can't we pay them what we pay the security (private) forces that make five and six figures a year? We'd have a lot more troops I'd guess. foreign troops too (or mercenaries.)
Anyway what do Iraqi soldiers make now? Someone let me know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? Wouldn't it be way cheaper to pay the old military to serve under the new government? At $80 a month and a million people, it's just under a billion dollars a year - plus, the military would be economically motivated to listen to and cooperate with the US. Who pays the salaries, right?

A billion dollars a year is a lot of money, no doubt, it's way less than the trillions we're dumping into the war now.... and a lot fewer dead US soldiers.

11:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

also the $80 a month was 2003 wages (or before) according to the article...
so figure about 3 cents for inflation since then? $80.03

I'm just saying

12:31 AM  

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